Warriors 2021 pic
warriors winter girls
warriors winter girls
8th Grade Champs

PHH City Warriors Spring 2023 girls and boys tryout Dates -

Wednesday, March 15th and 22nd (alternate date available on Thursday, March 23rd)

Location - Windy City Fieldhouse

Tentative Time Slots - Girls Click Here // Boys Click Here

Cost - $30

Please reach out to Coach Jared Ashe at coachj@playhardhoops.com and Coach Michael Kaye at coachkaye@playhardhoops.com with any follow up questions

PHH City Warriors spring 2023 Boys Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Boys, 9 Week Season

Expected Teams -

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th (1-3 Warriors squads chosen at each grade)

Weekly Team Practices - 9 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of March 27th through May 26th

Bi-Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 4 total (60 minutes long)

Program 3v3 tournament - Weekend of either April 14-16 or April 21-23

Tentative Days/Times For Team Practices Below 

Monday: 5-630 PM (3rd & 4th Grade), 630-8 PM (5th Grade), 8-930 PM (8th Grade) @ Windy City Fieldhouse

Tuesday or Thursday: May add 3rd Grade Team Practice to this day @ Newberry School

Thursday: 7-830 PM (6th & 7th Grade) @ Windy City Fieldhouse

Tentative Days/Times For Team Skills Workouts 

Monday: 6th and 7th Grade teams @ Redline - Specific weeks/times TBD

Tuesday: 5th and 8th Grade teams @ Newberry/Bradley/Mount Carmel - Specific weeks/times TBD

Wednesday3rd and 4th Grade @ Windy City Fieldhouse, 430-530 pm - Specific weeks TBD

Game Schedule: 10 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families' Spring sport commitments, targeted weekends of April 15/16, 22/23, 29/30, May 6/7, 13/14, 20/21, June 3/4

Season Cost: $710

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks

PHH City Warriors spring 2023 Girls Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Girls, 9 Week Season

Weekly Team Practices - 9 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of March 27th through May 26th

Bi-Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 4 total (60 minutes long)

Expected Grade Levels:





Tentative practice and skills days

Mondays: Times TBD @ Redline Athletic

Tuesdays: 530-830 PM @ Old St. Mary's School

Thursday: 530-830 PM @ Newberry School

Program 3v3 tournament - Weekend of either April 14-16 or April 21-23

Game Schedule: 10 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families' Spring sport commitments, targeted weekends of April 15/16, 22/23, 29/30, May 6/7, 13/14, 20/21, June 3/4

Season Cost: $710

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks

PHH City Warriors Winter 2022-23 Boys Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Boys, 17 Week Season

Weekly Team Practices - 17 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of October 24th through March 10th

Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 17 total (60 minutes long) beginning week of October 24th through March 10th

Projected Team Practice/Skills Schedule

3rd Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Tuesdays 530-7 PM Bradley Fieldhouse, Weekly Team Skills Workout Mondays 630-730 PM Redline Athletics Irving Park

4th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Mondays 530-7 PM WCF, Weekly Team Skills Workout Wednesdays 4-5 pm WCF

5th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Mondays 7-830 PM WCF, Weekly Team Skills Workout Sundays 12-1 PM WCF

6th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Thursdays 7-830 PM WCF, Weekly Team Skills Workout Sundays 12-1 PM WCF

7th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Thursdays 7-830 PM WCF, Weekly Team Skills Workout Wednesdays 8-9 PM WCF

8th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Wednesdays 715-845 PM Holy Trinity, Weekly Team Skills Workout Mondays 830-930 PM WCF

Game Schedule: Approximately 25 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families around school basketball commitments, 12 weekends of play (mostly all Saturdays or Sunday early AM)

Season Cost: TBD

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks

PHH City Warriors Winter 2022-23 Girls Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Girls, 17 Week Season

Weekly Team Practices - 17 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of October 24th through March 10th

Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 17 total (60 minutes long) beginning week of October 24th through March 10th

Projected Team Practice/Skills Schedule (Possibility of more teams, subject to tryouts)

3rd/4th Grade Warriors Blue and White - Team Practice Thursdays 500-630 PM Newberry School, Weekly Team Skills Workout Fridays 430-530 pm WCF

5th/6th Grade Warriors - Team Practice Thursdays 630-800 PM Newberry School, Weekly Team Skills Workout Fridays 430-530 pm WCF

7th/8th Grade Warriors - Team Practice Thursdays 800-930 PM (or Tuesdays 7-830 PM) Newberry School, Weekly Team Skills Workout Fridays 430-530 pm WCF

Game Schedule: Approximately 25 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families around school basketball commitments, 12 weekends of play (mostly all Saturdays or Sunday early AM)

Season Cost: TBD

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks

PHH City Warriors Fall 2022 girls and boys tryouts

Dates - Saturday, August 20th (alternate dates available on August 15, 22 and 24)

Location - Windy City Fieldhouse

Tentative Time Slots - Girls Click Here // Boys Click Here

Cost - $30

Please reach out to Coach Jared Ashe at coachj@playhardhoops.com or 773-359-7854 with any follow up questions

PHH City Warriors Fall 2022 Boys Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Boys, 7 Week Season

Weekly Team Practices - 7 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of August 29th through October 14th

Bi-Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 4 total (60 minutes long)

Tentative Days/Times For Team Practices Below @ Windy City Fieldhouse (subject to change)

Monday: 530-7 PM (3rd & 4th Grade), 7-830 PM (5th Grade)

Wednesday: 8-930 PM (8th Grade)

Thursday: 7-830 PM (6th & 7th Grade)

Tentative Days/Times For Skills Workouts @ Windy City Fieldhouse (subject to change)

Monday: 830-930 PM (7th and 8th Grade teams)

Wednesday: 4-5 PM (5th and 6th Grade teams)

Friday: 430-530 PM (3rd and 4th Grade teams)

Game Schedule: 10 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families' fall sport commitments, targeted weekends of Sept 17/18, 24/25, Oct 1/2, Oct 8/9, Oct 15/16

Season Cost: $675 (all Fall Warriors chosen for a team will be offered a $100 discount into our 14th Annual Sunday Fall League to allow for additional gameplay opportunities before Winter season)

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks

PHH City Warriors Fall 2022 Girls Outline

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Girls, 7 Week Season

Weekly Practices - 7 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of August 29th through October 14th

Bi-Weekly Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - 4 total (60 minutes long)

Tentative Locations For Team Practices (days and times still being finalized)-

-Windy City Fieldhouse

-Newberry School

-Old St. Mary's School

Game Schedule: 10 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexibility to accommodate families' fall sport commitments, targeted weekends of Sept 17/18, 24/25, Oct 1/2, Oct 8/9, Oct 15/16

Season Cost: $675 (all Fall Warriors will be offered a $100 discount into our 14th Annual Sunday Fall League to allow for additional gameplay opportunities before Winter season)

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks



Thank you for your interest as we continue to build out our Warriors effort here in Chicagoland! The PHH staff strives to provide a unique and effective developmental opportunity for the area’s most committed, talented youth players. The foundation of PHH City Warriors travel basketball is our structured, disciplined and passionate environment where commitment, personal values, and principles are the priority. Working in partnership with parents, we provide a high quality atmosphere for character development, seeking to prepare boys and girls for the pressures of playing at highly competitive levels of hoops and for life beyond. 

PHILOSOPHY: PHH, entering its 14th year of basketball in the Chicagoland area, offers a high level basketball educational experience teaching the development of critical team concepts in today's game and an emphasis on strong fundamentals for each player.

We will utilize offensive and defensive concepts to prepare players for high school basketball. Our teams will learn motion offense to foster spacing and ball movement along with a strong understanding of how to create good shots. A particular focus of the program is on half court man-to-man defense to help aid athletic development and its importance to succeeding at the next level. 

Success on the floor will be a result of this process, and we are not defined by championships, rather on the impact we leave on people. Our staff will hone in on the key leadership values and principles that we hope to pass on to today's youth. Rather than focusing exclusively on wins and losses, the top goal of PHH Warriors is to create memorable team experiences through which we positively impact a player's growth on and off the court.


Play Team Basketball

Play W/Passion

Play For Each Other


Skill Development – Execute Fundamentals

Improved Knowledge of the Game

Be Part of a Team – Love Your Teammates

Motivated For Future Improvement


Practice Hard

Be a Good Teammate

Be Coachable


Winter Warriors 2021-2022

Practices & Skills Workouts - Week of October 25th-March 11th practices, 90 minute practices+bi-weekly skills/fundamentals workouts (over 30 hours of team practice/skills time)

Game Schedule:  Approximately 25 Game Schedule for 2021-22 Season (League & Tournament Schedule) and a 3 on 3 Program Tournament at Windy City Fieldhouse

15 teams btwn Warriors Boys and Girls are currently competing this Winter

2021 Fall Warriors 

8 Fall teams with 72 players in our first Fall season

3rd/4th Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade PH Select

5th Grade Blue

6th Grade

7th Grade

7th/8th Grade

8th Grade

Grade Levels: 3rd-8th Grade Boys

Tryouts - Thursday, August 19th 5-9 PM (Make Up Date Wednesday, August 25 7-9 pm) @ Windy City Fieldhouse. Please reach out if neither of these sessions work on your calendar

Location - Windy City Fieldhouse

Weekly Practices - 7 total (90 minutes long) beginning week of August 30th through October 15th.

Fundamentals+Skills Workouts - Program-wide skills+strength and conditioning workouts on Saturday, Sept 4th (8-10 am) and Friday, Sept 17th (630-830 pm) at Mount Carmel High School along with weekly Fridays 430-530 pm at Windy City Fieldhouse (more details below on tentative outline)

Tentative Days/Times Outline For Team Practices+Skills

Monday:  530-7 PM (3rd & 4th Grade), 7-830 PM (5th & 6th Grade)

Thursday:  7-830 PM (7th & 8th Grade) - may also move 7-830 pm for both 5th & 6th grade this night

Friday: 430-530 PM (optional skills workout sessions for entire program)

Game Schedule: 10-12 total - Tournament dates & locations based on team availability+will provide flexiblity to accommodate families' fall sport commitments, targeted weekends of Sept 11/12, 18/19, 25/26, Oct 2/3, Oct 16/17

Season Cost: $650 (all Fall Warriors will be offered $100 off for entry into our 13th Annual Sunday Fall League to allow for additional gameplay opportunities before Winter season)

Uniform Package Fee (for new players): $135 total, all uniform fees priced at cost including reversible practice jersey, blue and white game jersey/shorts, warm up hoodie, team bag, socks


2021 Spring Warriors and 2020-2021 Winter Warriors Season Details included below

3rd Grade

3rd/4th Grade Blue

4th Grade PH Select

5th Grade Blue

5th Grade White

6th Grade

7th/8th Grade

8th Grade

Practices: 1 Hour 30 minutes weekly
Location-Windy City Fieldhouse
Dates- Week of March 22th - June 6th  (10 weeks, Easter Holiday Break off)
Total For Season: Approximately 15 Hours of Team Practice

Tentative Days/Times

Monday:  7-8:30 PM (6th Grade), 7-830 PM (4th Select)

Tuesday:  6:30-8 PM (5th Grade)

Thursday:  6:30-8 PM (3rd/4th Grade), 8-9:30 PM (7th/8th Grade Boys)

Skills Training

5 total sessions focused on individual fundamentals and improvement, Monday 730-830 pm or 830-930 pm, bi-weekly with Warriors teams/grades alternating weeks


Approximately 7 Weekends of Local and Regional Travel League Games+Tournaments (one weekend day) - April 10/11, 17/18, 24/25, May 1/2, 8/9, 15/16, 22/23 June 5/6

2020-21 Coaching Staff:
Jared Ashe (Coach and Director), Michael Kaye, Kevin Day, John Lazar, Garrett Hill, Neeraj Chemburkar

Team Costs:
$800 expected for total Spring season if competitive tournaments/games are allowed within the health guidelines and depending on local vs. regional tournaments for our levels

Uniform Fees:

$135 package includes Warriors Reversible Jersey/Shorts, Hooded Short Sleeve Warm Up, Socks, Team Bag

2020-21 PHH city Warriors Winter Travel Season

Thank you to all of families for trying out for the program. Selected teams below -

3rd Grade Blue and White

4th Grade Blue and White

5th Grade Blue and White

6th Grade Blue and White

7th Grade

8th Grade

Practices: 1 Hour 30 Min Practices: Beginning end October through early March
Location-Windy City Fieldhouse
Dates- Week of October 26 - March 8 (18 Weeks)
Total For Season: Approximately 30 Hours of Team Practice

Tentative Days/Times

Monday:  7-8:30 PM (6th Grade Boys)

Tuesday:  6:30-8 PM (5th Grade Boys)

Wednesday: 630-8 PM (3rd Grade Boys)

Thursday:  6:30-8 PM (4th Grade Boys), 8-9:30 PM (7th and 8th Grade Boys)

Friday: Fundamentals & Skills Sessions For 4th to 8th Grade teams, 430-5:30 PM (Warriors grades alternate weeks, 4th/5th, then 6th-8th)

Sunday Fundamentals & Skills Sessions For 3rd Grade teams, 11 AM-1200PM for 7 weeks in 2020 to enhance their early development, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22 Dec 6, 13, 20

Skills Training (Not mandatory but recommended of course):

8 total sessions focused on individual improvement, Fridays 430-5:30 PM 4th to 8th (alternating), Sundays 11 AM-1200 PM for 3rd Grade

Dec 2020 - Saturday (or perhaps one Sunday AM) intrateam/program scrimmage opportunities at Windy City Fieldhouse+suburban (Stevenson district, Lake Zurich, and Vernon Hills) intraprogram Warriors games (with parental consent)

Jan - March 2021 - Saturday game schedule TBD based on updated health guidelines and safety measures in place. Intrateam and program scrimmages will remain in place, if needed, and hopeful to add weekend tournaments if the health situation improves for the community. Total # of games expected are approximately 16-20 for each team.

2020-21 Coaching Staff:
Jared Ashe (Coach and Director), Michael Kaye, Kevin Day, John Lazar, Tahji McDonald, Neeraj Chemburkar, Taylor Moore

Team Costs:
$1250 expected for total Winter season (end of Oct-early March), if competitive tournaments/games are allowed within the health guidelines

$400 will be due upon acceptance of roster spot in mid-October (2020 team practice/skills sessions). 2020 Saturday/Sunday intrateam and program scrimmage costs will also be determined based on current health guidelines and parental consent. TBD cost for 2021 (not to exceed $850 for 2021 team practices/skills sessions+tournaments/league games provided in adhering to the updated Covid restrictions)

Uniform Fees:

$135 package includes Warriors Reversible Jersey/Shorts, Hooded Short Sleeve Warm Up, Socks, Team Bag

warriors 2021 pic2
warriors 2021 pic3
6th Grade Champs
MC dinner outing