Fall Travel Basketball for all PHH Warriors Teams (Boys) BEGINS the week of AUGUST 26th, 2024 and runs through the week of OCTOBER 14th, 2024!!
FOR WHO: Boys 3rd - 8th Grade
WHEN: Tryouts will be held on Monday, August 19th and Wednesday, August 21st @ Ela Sports Center in Lake Zurich. See below for all days, divisions & times!
WHERE: 10-12 PRACTICES (15 HOURS MINIMUM PRACTICE TIME) at PHH locations in Wheeling, Arlington Heights, Lake Zurich or Vernon Hills. ** Specific Team Practice Times & Locations TBD
COST: $750.00
PHH Warriors will receive a Practice Jersey, Game Uniform & Warm Up Hoodie and a Backpack.
(New Player Uniform Package: $150.00)
Monday | August 19, 2024 | BOYS | 3rd - 4th Grade | 5:30p - 6:45p |
Monday | August 19, 2024 | BOYS | 5th - 6th Grade | 6:45p - 8:00p |
Monday | August 19, 2024 | BOYS | 7th - 8th Grade | 8:00p - 9:15p |
Wednesday | August 21, 2024 | GIRLS | 3rd - 5th Grade | 5:00p - 6:00p |
Wednesday | August 21, 2024 | GIRLS | 6th - 8th Grade | 6:00p - 7:00p |
Wednesday | August 21, 2024 | BOYS (makeup) | 3rd - 5th Grade | 7:00p - 8:00p |
Wednesday | August 21, 2024 | BOYS (makeup) | 6th - 8th Grade | 8:00p - 9:00p |
PHILOSOPHY: We will teach the fundamentals of the game and learn team concepts we believe help teams succeed. Offensive and defensive philosophy are concepts to prepare for high school basketball. Our teams will be taught motion offense concepts / sharing the ball. We will teach team defensive concepts learned while coaching college basketball: man-to-man concepts must be taught and played unselfishly. We will focus on playing hard, competing regardless of the situation we are faced, as a team can overcome talent deficiencies by competing harder than its opponent.
Player Objectives: Provide PHH players with opportunity for improvement, keep skills sharp, improve basketball IQ and provide competition appropriate games. Teams will use practice time to prepare for game play and also to build on fundamental skills. PHH Coaches will build a team first atmosphere where players can improve and have fun with teammates.
Play Team Basketball
Play W/Passion
Play For Each Other
Skill Development – Execute Fundamentals
Improved Knowledge of the Game
Be Part of a Team – Love Your Teammates
Motivated For Future Improvement
Practice Hard
Be a Good Teammate
Be Coachable
Play Hard Hoops Families:
Thank you for your interest in the Play Hard Warriors Travel Feeder Program. The Warriors finished their 7th season with great success. Our goals for the program are to provide coaching that will give your son/daughter a greater opportunity to develop their skill level and knowledge of the game as they progress in the game of basketball. We will provide stronger competition through the different leagues and tournaments, many run by Play Hard Director Coach Adelman who has been running tournaments for close to 20 years and the growing PHH Travel Feeder League with over 120 teams in the winter. We also hope that the PHH players in the program develop friendships and enjoy being part of a team. At the end of the season, I sincerely hope that the boys will be motivated to work hard at the game of basketball. There are no secrets in being successful as a player; hard work, patience, discipline and a desire to compete regardless of the consequences.
Thank you again for your consideration of Play Hard Hoops for your basketball development.
1) Playing time will not be equal but earned. However, all players will play in every game they attend, and all players will receive substantial playing time. We want players to understand the importance of attending practice, listening, working hard and playing team basketball. Playing time issues are never to be discussed in front of the kids or on game day. If you have any issues regarding playing time, please contact us on Monday or Tuesday when we can appropriately discuss.
2) While we hope to win games and will try our best to put them in position to win games, the importance of winning and the outcomes does not measure to the process by which we are trying to win. Teaching the process of doing the right things will come before winning. I am certainly hopeful that if the players improve throughout the season and build good basketball habits, we will have the opportunity to win games.
3) Parent Behavior is important to Play Hard Hoops and it is important to your son/daughter: Please refrain from attacks on officials. Please refrain from talking about other players on our team and our opponents’ team. Please refrain from being overly critical of the coach. Please maintain your perspective that this is youth basketball.
4) There are going to be failures/successes/terrible officiating/bad parents, bad coaches, and some perplexing moments. All experiences are not good experiences, but they are all learning experiences that we hope will help each kid become a better player, person, teammate.
For more information or any questions regarding our travel program please reach out to:
David Adelman- Owner & Director
847-420-8115 / coacha@playhardhoops.com
Madeleine McTague- Assistant Director & Girls Programming Director
224-422-9959 / coachmt@playhardhoops.com