The Chicago Cannons, powered by PHH, are preparing for their most exciting high school travel basketball season yet. PHH launched its high school travel program in the spring of 2024 and, since the fall of 2024, has officially branded the City team's as the Chicago Cannons.
Based on the evaluations from tryouts, we’re excited to announce the potential formation of regional teams—especially at the 15U and 16U levels for boys and JV girls. The goal of our regional squads will be to compete in higher-level showcase tournaments for elite competition and exposure. Like previous seasons we’ll also feature local travel squads with more flexible schedules.
Proud to see the hard work paying off for so many hoopers from the Cannons/Warriors programs, playing high school ball at various institutes over the city of Chicago. Schools include but not limited to: Amundsen, University of Chicago Lab, DePaul Prep, Francis W. Parker, Lake View, Lane Tech, Latin, Lincoln Park, Mount Carmel, St. Ignatius, Walter Payton, & Whitney Young.
Coach/PHH Director Michael Kaye, currently an assistant sophomore coach at Mount Carmel HS, will direct the Cannons Travel program. He will be accompanied with a very experienced coaches, including: Calvin Hill (Mount Carmel Freshman Head), Manny Paterson (FWP Varsity Assistant & Former D1 College/Pro Player), Lukas Moore (FWP Varsity Assistant), Kevin Quirk (PHH Director former St. Pat's Assistant), Madeleine McTague (PHH Direct & former D1 College Player).

High School Boys | 15U - 16U - 17U
High School Girls | 15U - 16U
Boys - Wed, February 26th @ Mount Carmel 630-8pm
- Wed, March 5th @ Mitchell Elementary 630-830pm
Girls - Wed, March 5th @ Mitchell Elementary 5-630pm
PRACTICES (10-11 Weeks):
Two (2) practices per week (30+ hours total)
TBD Day/Location on Team Selection
Local Teams: 10-12 games, compete in CYBN, Splash, or One Day Shootouts
Regional Teams: 6-7 tournaments, participate in Prep Hoops/Big Foot/NY2LA Tournaments across the Midwest (primarily Illinois) and local shootouts.
Targeted weekends: April 5/6, 12/13, 19/20, 26/27, May 3/4, 10/11, 17/18, 24/25, 31/1
LOCAL TEAM SEASON COST: $900-1,100 TBD- team fee (coaching, practices, shootouts)
REGIONAL SEASON COST: $1,400-$1,600 TBD - team fee (coaching, practices, shootouts)
UNIFORM PACKAGE: $85 - (for new players)
For more program specific information, select the respective button below:
PHILOSOPHY: We will teach the fundamentals of the game and learn team concepts we believe help teams succeed. Offensive and defensive philosophy are concepts to prepare for high school basketball. Our teams will be taught motion offense concepts / sharing the ball. We will teach team defensive concepts learned while coaching college basketball: man-to-man concepts must be taught and played unselfishly. We will focus on playing hard, competing regardless of the situation we are faced, as a team can overcome talent deficiencies by competing harder than its opponent.
Player Objectives: Provide PHH players with opportunity for improvement, keep skills sharp, improve basketball IQ and provide competition appropriate games. Teams will use practice time to prepare for game play and also to build on fundamental skills. PHH Coaches will build a team first atmosphere where players can improve and have fun with teammates.
Play Team Basketball
Play W/Passion
Play For Each Other
Skill Development – Execute Fundamentals
Improved Knowledge of the Game
Be Part of a Team – Love Your Teammates
Motivated For Future Improvement
Practice Hard
Be a Good Teammate
Be Coachable
Play Hard Hoops Families:
Thank you for your interest in the Play Hard Travel Program. Our goals for the program are to grow each season while providing coaching that will give your son/daughter a greater opportunity to develop their skill level and knowledge of the game as they progress in the game of basketball.
Playing time will not be equal but earned. However, all players will play in every game they attend, and all players will receive substantial playing time. We want players to understand the importance of attending practice, listening, working hard and playing team basketball. Playing time issues are never to be discussed in front of the kids or on game day. If you have any issues regarding playing time, please contact us on Monday or Tuesday when we can appropriately discuss.
Parent Behavior is important to Play Hard Hoops and it is important to your son/daughter: Please refrain from attacks on officials. Please refrain from talking about other players on our team and our opponents’ team. Please refrain from being overly critical of the coach. Please maintain your perspective that this is youth basketball.
For more information or any questions regarding our travel program please reach out to:
Michael Kaye- Director
314-332-7788 / coachkaye@playhardhoops.com